What We Believe

Our Beliefs

The Word of God

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, meaning it is infallible and true.


We believe in the One True God (Deuteronomy 6:4). The God from the Old Testament became flesh, that is Jesus Christ, to be a sacrifice for our sins (Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1, 14).


We believe God wants us to know who He is. He is an almighty God who became our perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 2:17). Knowing that God became Jesus Christ is our foundation (Matt. 16-18). We carry out this faith through baptism in Jesus’ name (Acts 2:38). We need His Spirit in us to walk in His way and light. We believe in receiving the gift of His Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues/other languages (Acts 2:4). Once we are buried with Jesus in baptism and receive His Holy Spirit, we walk in His Spirit by living a holy life.

Personal Devotion

We are each called to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This includes personal prayer, reading the Word, and studying the Word. We believe each needs to pursue living a holy and consecrated life unto the Lord.

Gifts of the Spirit

We believe the members of the church are called to desire and take part in the gifts of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 12:1-11). The Lord wants to minister through us by using these gifts in order to build His kingdom, edify the church, and ultimately glorify His name.

Want to learn more about God’s Word?

Listen to our past lessons, watch our videos, come to a service to hear the Word in person,

or call (859) 913 2086 to schedule a home Bible study with a member of our church.